Congratulations on your pregnancy! Thank you for choosing Athena OB/GYN for your prenatal care. We're delighted to support you on this incredible journey. Our comprehensive collection of resources is designed to provide you with everything you need to navigate your pregnancy with confidence. From contact information and pediatrician lists to resources, information, and instructions, we've got you covered every step of the way.
How to Access Your Documents:
Simply click the links below to view and be sure to download and save the documents for future reference.
- Meet the Athena OB/GYN team
- How to contact Athena OB/GYN
- Hospital delivery information & important phone numbers
- How to register for delivery at Abington Hospital
- Pediatrician List
- Patient Portal instructions
- Axia OB resources
- Non-invasive Prenatal test (NIPT) Brochure
- Medicopy- FMLA forms
- Simplex health for gestational Diabetes
- Jefferson new parent groups
- Insurance disclaimer
- Appointment schedule
- Ultrasound instructions
- Do's and Don'ts in pregnancy
- Treatments for nausea and vomiting
- Safe medications during pregnancy
- Genetic testing codes
- Cord blood banking
- Tdap vaccine
- Flu vaccine
- Breast Feeding
- What to expect after your baby arrives